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Open Account

Thank you for your interest in opening a new account at TC2000 Brokerage, a boutique firm that offers an exceptional blend of technology and customer service.

Here are a few things you should know before getting started:

  1. Please read the Customer Relationship Summary, an easy-to-understand document about your relationship with TC2000 Brokerage.

  2. The application typically takes 15-20 minutes to complete. You can start the application now, stop at any point and pick back up later where you left off. Your completed portions will be saved between sessions.

  3. Important: Give each brokerage account its own unique username & password that is different from your regular TC2000 sign-in. This will provide an extra layer of security when making deposits, withdrawals, etc. Your brokerage accounts will automatically be integrated into your TC2000 software and accessible using your regular email & password that you've always used.

  4. Please use your full legal name with correct punctuation on the application. Security features require you to have access to a cell phone with text and data capabilities.

  5. Software & data plans are provided by TC2000 Software Company and should be managed in the top right of your software or at the pricing page. Our clearing firm, Interactive Brokers, may occasionally offer you additional data subscriptions. These are NOT necessary and will NOT work in the TC2000 software.

  6. Most applications are reviewed within one to three days. Once approved, you have 60 days to fund your account. We will be happy to help you with your application. Please call 1-800-776-4940 and press 2 for new account help. We look forward to working with you!

TC2000 Brokerage can only accept applicants who reside in the United States or reside in a place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.